
The movement techniques of Pilates, GYROTONIC(R), Thai Bodywork, and Yoga
are foundational modalities for attuning an awareness and practice of alignment,
balance, strength, flexibility, release, and flow.

About Light Bodies

The concept of Lightbodies Geometries is to use different movement modalities, in order to assist people in balancing their structural, neurological, kinesthetic, emotional, and energetic selves. Through this integration, people can move with more freedom, confidence, and joy. This project is forever on-going.

Personalized Workouts

Dr. Mary Hill uses a combination of techniques to create personalized workouts.
See techniques below.

The GYROTONIC(R) Method and it’s equipment replicates the subtle resistance of moving through water, while using spirals and curves to move directional forces through the body.  The results of this method are fluidity and extended range of motion, as well as ease and strengthening of the joints and soft tissue.  Somatically,  the sense of flow, rhythm, and breath calms the nervous system into a coherent alignment with the mind and body.

The Pilates technique is about aligning the vertical and horizontal axes (lines) of the body centered in the torso through pelvic and scapular stability. As the root of the legs is in the pelvis, pelvic floor and sacrum, so the root of the arms is in the shoulder girdle, and scapulae and the upper and lower body connect at the solar plexus. The result of moving from a stable center is strength, efficiency, and balance. Engaging the outward breath on the effort, in order to move from the solar plexus is similar to the breathwork in martial arts. The active use of breath to initiate movement and the deep awareness of the vertical and horizontal body axes is stabilizing and somatically creates the sense of “backing oneself up.”

The Wall requires a balance of levity and resistance, which creates a sense of suspension in the body. Moving at different angles in relationship to gravity challenges us to reconfigure how we move in space. In this way, we press through out-moded assumptions of what is possible and amplify our kinesthetic bodies to incorporate more extensive psychic and physical engagement.

Thai Bodywork is a beautiful, ancient art form of active massage, where the practitioner moves the receiver’s body into yogic positions and with pressure releases stagnant and held/frozen energy patterns.  The result is a release of vitality and relief through the physical, emotional, energetic and psychic body layers.

The GYROTONIC(R) Method and it’s equipment replicates the subtle resistance of moving through water, while using spirals and curves to move directional forces through the body.  The results of this method are fluidity and extended range of motion, as well as ease and strengthening of the joints and soft tissue.  Somatically,  the sense of flow, rhythm, and breath calms the nervous system into a coherent alignment with the mind and body.

Gyrokinesis(R) Method Instructor/Trainer
The Gyrokinesis(R) Method works the entire body through undulating, rhythmic movement patterns utilizing breath.  The goal is to mobilize the spine and joints in all possible directions, stimulate the nervous system and open up energy pathways.

The Pilates technique is about aligning the vertical and horizontal axes (lines) of the body centered in the torso through pelvic and scapular stability. As the root of the legs is in the pelvis, pelvic floor and sacrum, so the root of the arms is in the shoulder girdle, and scapulae and the upper and lower body connect at the solar plexus. The result of moving from a stable center is strength, efficiency, and balance. Engaging the outward breath on the effort, in order to move from the solar plexus is similar to the breathwork in martial arts. The active use of breath to initiate movement and the deep awareness of the vertical and horizontal body axes is stabilizing and somatically creates the sense of “backing oneself up.”

The Wall requires a balance of levity and resistance, which creates a sense of suspension in the body. Moving at different angles in relationship to gravity challenges us to reconfigure how we move in space. In this way, we press through out-moded assumptions of what is possible and amplify our kinesthetic bodies to incorporate more extensive psychic and physical engagement.

Thai Bodywork is a beautiful, ancient art form of active massage, where the practitioner moves the receiver’s body into yogic positions and with pressure releases stagnant and held/frozen energy patterns.  The result is a release of vitality and relief through the physical, emotional, energetic and psychic body layers.


Shadow Flame

Winding Way Winds of the South


Dr. Mary Hill

I have a deep commitment and love for our embodied expression and relationship with the world around us, for as we explore and expand our experiences in the world, then we evolve, as human beings.  I earned a Doctorate in Dance History/Dance Education from Temple University in Philadelphia, where I also taught Ballet and Modern Dance.  I am certified to teach and have extensively studied the GYROTONIC METHOD(R), Pilates, Thai Bodywork, and Yoga therapeutic methods for many years.  I am also a Reiki Master and Reiki Master Teacher.   I hold a Masters of Fine Arts in Modern Dance and began training in Ballet at an early age.  I was awarded many scholarships to train as a dancer, choreographer, and later, as a teacher.  I studied in Germany, toured Japan, and danced in Boston and Philadelphia.  In healing my own injuries, the world of alternative therapies opened to me and has taken me on a life-long journey that I am honored to share with other people.

Spiraling Power

Spirals, curved lines of force, like a river, hold more power than a straight line. The oscillation or sidewinding of curves in nature activates life force,  what some traditions call Chi or Kundalini. The natural worlds and super sensory...



5800 Edwards Ranch Road
Bldg 1, Suite 200
Fort Worth, TX 76109
Phone: 817 731-1133

1 + 8 =


5800 Edwards Ranch Road
Bldg 1, Suite 200
Fort Worth, TX 76109